Download the new catalog for thin film deposition control products clicking on the following button:INFICON is a leading provider of innovative instrumentation, critical sensor technologies, and Smart Manufacturing/Industry 4.0...
Exclusive KAP301 radiation resistant Kapton® insulated wires.
Allectra are pleased to introduce two new types of KAP301 multistrand coaxial cable of two different thicknesses. These thin and flexible coax cables...
Join us for an introductory seminar on dangerous gases used in industry.
We will be discussing topics related to the detection of gases, safe exposure limits, behaviour of gases, as...
Avactec work with Sputtering Components and now renews their website.
Among its improvements is the adaptation of the web for mobile devices, which makes it easier for users to use...
During this difficult time, it will still be possible to contact Avactec.
The main contact number is still 910 114 478. If this isn’t answered an alternative is 918 286...
Abatement & Vacuum Technology, SL (Avactec) has now received ISO 9001: 2015 certification for the "Comercialización de Equipos relacionados con el depósito en vacío e investigación en condiciones de...
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